Online Registration:
Sponsorship & Donation Form
IMPORTANT: Registration is a multi-step process...
1. REGISTER: Use the form below. If the registration form has multiple pages, and you see a grey screen after clicking NEXT, please scroll up on the page to get back to the form.
2. PAY: If applicable, go back to the program / info page and click on the payment button.
IMPORTANT: Registration is a multi-step process...
1. REGISTER: Use the form below. If the registration form has multiple pages, and you see a grey screen after clicking NEXT, please scroll up on the page to get back to the form.
2. PAY: If applicable, go back to the program / info page and click on the payment button.
PayPal Payment Processing
We use PayPal for our online payment processing.
You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to use our system, though. You can choose to pay with your PayPal account, if desired. Or you can choose to simply pay via credit card, which will be processed via PayPal without the need for a PayPal account.
GREY SCREEN: If the registration form has multiple pages, and you see a grey screen after clicking Continue, please scroll up on the page to get back to the form.
MISSING FORM: If this page has loaded but you see no registration form (just a white or blank page), this is likely related to a "partially timed-out" Google account session. To resolve this, simply go to and completely logout (or make sure that you are completely logged-in) and then return to this page.
Off-Line Program Registration
For programs that do not offer online registration, please contact Jeff Fryer for registration and payment information.