While doing outreach in Asia, Coach Fryer gave shooting advice to one of the top professional teams in the Philippines, Ginebra.
Many of you know that an important part of FBA mission is to give back to our community.
We believe that giving back to the community means that every young person has the opportunity to participate in our basketball program, regardless of economic standing.
As a not-for-profit organization we are continuing our effort not only in sponsoring youth and families in financial need, but also in global outreach to underprivileged children. All of the proceeds from the sponsorships will go directly to our youth scholarship program, and/or will go to global missions outreach program in the Philippines and other countries. Many of you own companies or are self-employed entrepreneurs and this is a unique chance for you to partner with us. We see it as a win-win proposition!
We appreciate all of the support that you, our FBA families, have given us so we want to give you a chance to partner with us in this worthy cause. If you are interested in signing up or want more information about this offer, please contact Jeff Fryer by e-mail, or by phone at 949-438-7552.
Philippines Mission
"I was blessed with the opportunity to go to the Philippines with Coach Jeff and Coach Brandon. This was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. While we were out there, our goal was to coach basketball clinics, and help those who are less fortunate than us. What I found is that the locals there effected my life more than I could of ever effected theirs. They were the most loving, caring, and accepting people I have ever met. They also love the game of basketball which was awesome to see. I will forever be grateful for this trip!"
Connor Kennedy
FBA Coach, Vanguard University Player"Hi, I’m 13 and I got spend part of my summer with FBA participating in doing missions in the philippines. When I thought about going I imagined that we were going to starve or thirst in some deserted place. Once we got there, I realized that everyone was so kind in so many fantastic ways. The kids at the orphanage were so fun and considerate, they jumped on me playfully and would give me high fives, all with a smile on there face. I felt that I really connected with them when we played basketball and built hoops for them, even though we didn't speak the same language as them. No matter how poor or how little food they got that day, they were still so very happy. I think God was showing me how spoiled I am here in America and how little they have in the philippines and that I need to be more happy."
Mateo Arellano
FBA Athlete, Age 13"We visited The Ati tribe in the Philippines with FBA. My brother and I got to be a coach and teach the kids how to play basketball and we put the kids in groups of five and then we played a game of five on five of basketball. I saw that the kids did not have shoes, so I took off my shoes and gave them to one of the boys. When we were done, we got to serve them food. Teachers also prepared a special meal for us while the kids performed and sang. We got up and sang with them and they thanked us for spending time with them. It was like we became instant family and friends. The kids all had smiles and were very fun to play with. I loved giving them high fives and playing basketball. It was an incredible experience and I’m so thankful FBA organized a trip for us to be apart of, definitely made a huge impact on me. I’m grateful for the things I have in America but I’m also aware that we can be very happy with even a little, like the Ati tribe."
Noah Arellano
FBA Athlete, Age 12Global Outreach Partners
These are the organizations that FBA works with...